FJORDMAN Efter Anders Behring Breiviks massmord nyligen pekades Fjordman, som egentligen heter Peder Jensen, och ABB ut som en och samma person av gammelmedia. Detta stämde naturligtvis inte och Jensens liv har slagits i spillror. Han vädjar nu till sina läsare om hjälp för att kunna bygga upp en ny tillvaro och publicera fler texter.
Hello from Peder Jensen alias Fjordman. I will continue writing under one name or the other and hope to publish several books in the next year and a half, but after the Breivik case in Norway, which I got mixed up in against my will, I no longer have a job and I am also moving out of my old flat in Oslo, which I already left weeks ago. There are always some costs involved in moving to a different location and creating a new life somewhere else. If you have enjoyed some of my essays in the past I would be grateful if you donated a few bucks this time. Think of it as a Fjordman Relocation Fund. Just mark the donations as being for me and I will get it via Vlad's fine website.
Thank you, and thank you for all the support and kind words I get from long-time readers.
Donationer går via bloggen Vlad Tepes som försäkrar att alla pengar märkta med ”Fjordman” hamnar rätt.
Mer info på Snaphanen och Gates of Vienna.
Källa: Politiskt Inkorrekt