A Rhode Island Democrat told Obama today to "shove" his support (up his ass?).
Obama is not welcome to help the democrats to run in the November 3 election, it would ruin their reelection. It reminds the voters that all of Obamas policies have helped destroy the economy, jobs and hope.
This is a TV ad for Sharron Angle (R) running against Harry Reid (D) in Nevada.
Today it was reported that the female media chief for Harry Reid was just found to have taken money to marry an arab man to enable him to obtain residency in the US. The arab man was investigated for ties to terrorists.
When CNN reported this news today 10-26-10 they withheld the news about the Lebanese/Palestinian mans suspected terror connections.
This is embarrasing for the Reid campaign. Harry Reid could potentially have placed a terrorist next to the president if this crime was undiscovered.
CNN reported from a factory today trying to make the point that the stimulus plan had worked. With leading questions CNN ended the story by asking the plant manager if he would consider the "positive effects of the stimulus plan" when he voted next week. CNN is now a full time election infomercial for the democrats, 100 % bias in favor of everything Obama does.
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