måndag 28 september 2009

Immigrant Riot Wave in Sweden.

Sweden is changing from a homogenous and safe nation to a multi cultural hell.

The established politicians are promoting mass immigration from all over the world.

The population in Sweden is 9 million including two million immigrants in first and second generation and 600 000 muslims.

The crime rate due to immigration is alarming, but the establishment are hiding all facts and costs involved.

Recently a report was published by the European Union about the alarming rape wave in Sweden. About 85 % of the rapes in Sweden

The Swedes are not only hit by a crime wave caused by immigration. The Swedes will be a minority in their own country before 2050 and the ethnic Swedes will later cease to exist.

But if we elect new politicians there are some hope.

Early warning by Fjordman



Political parties in Europe:
Front National/Frankrike: http://www.frontnational.com/
British National Party/England: http://www.bnp.org.uk/
Vlaams Belang/belgien: http://www.vlaamsbelang.be/
Schweizerische Volkspartei/Schweiz: http://www.svp.ch/
Partij voor de vrijheid/Holland: http://www.pvv.nl/
Bündis Zukunft Österreich/Österrike: http://www.bzoe.at/
FPÖ/Österrike: http://www.fpoe.at/
Dansk Folkeparti/Danmark: http://www.danskfolkeparti.dk/
Lega Nord/Italien: http://www.leganord.org/
Sverigedemokraterna/Sverige: http://www.sverigedemokraterna.se